My Name:
Hello! My Name is Jeff Peña.
I live in the Historic Downtown neighborhood of Ward-A since 2016 with my three rescue dogs. And about over a year ago my sister, Cindy, relocated here to help in her recovery from breast cancer. And she brought her two cats (roll eyes).
As a fulltime resident and invested business owner in downtown Ward-A, I have come to quickly recognize that the potential for Freeport can no longer just be imagined. And the need for fresh ideas, new energy, and strategic ACTION to help secure and realize Freeport’s Potential is Imperative; and the time for Freeport is NOW!
My Relevant Background:
- Real Estate and Mortgage Finance, Engineering Degree from Trinity University
- Licensed Mortgage Broker
- Over 20 years of Real Estate Development/ Investment and Property Management
- Over 3 Years on Freeport Economic Development Corp aka “EDC”
- Current President of EDC, previously Treasurer
- Owner Operator Park Avenue Lofts & Freeport National Bank Bldg. in Historic Downtown Freeport
Fresh Energy and Experience that Matters!
As EDC board member, I have lent my over 20 years of real estate and mortgage finance experience to help identify risks and opportunities:
- In 2019, Helped Identify the Missing Due Diligence Procedures in selling our recently paid off $2.5MM loan for River Boardwalk property to Prospective Buyer for $400k – Saved Freeport over ~$2MM+
- Summer 2020, Helped Advise to Council on a potential Residential Agreement in Ward C – that helped preserve our equity in land – Saved Freeport ~$1.3MM+
- And preserved our future equity and property tax revenue – Estimated Equity/Income Preserved ~$3MM+
- Providing ongoing guidance on Residential /Commercial Developments that do not waste our Taxpayer Dollars!
With my technical and financial background, coupled with my real estate development and business experience, my commitment has remained the same: promote both renewed transparency and the interests of Freeport, Firstly!
The time is now for a renewed commitment to Ward-A’s current needs and for creative energy to ensure ALL of Freeport’s Potential is realized!
I am asking for your vote and your ongoing support
to be Your City Council Champion for Freeport, WARD-A.
Thank you for your time and consideration.